
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Letter of the Day: March 2

We may very well have the type of oil wrong.




Baton Rouge Barracks, La.

March 2, 1878


Surgeon General U.S.A.

Washington, D.C.




I have the honor to state that I have delivered to the A.A.Q.M. [Acting Assistant Quarter Master], at this Post for transportation to the Army Medical Museum, a small vial containing the head of a Tape Worm. Taenia solium? It was discharged by a  child 2 ½ years of age on May 12, 1876.The child had been treated for the worm at different times, for more than a year previous to that time.


Treatment – Complete starvation for twenty-four hours – The administration at the end of that time of Zi oil of Male Fern – and the repetition of the same does with Z; castor oil 12 hours subsequently. The patient has been entirely free from any signs of Tape Worm from that time to the present. I trust the contribution though small, may be acceptable.


Very Respectfully

Your obedient servant

(Signed) M. E. Taylor

Assistant Surgeon U.S.A.

Post Surgeon


A true copy

George A. Otis

Asst Surg. USA

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