
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Letter of the Day: January 19 (2 of 2)

And speaking of moving problems…


Medical Purveying Depot U.S. Army.

No. 126 Wooster Street

P.O. Box 108.

Station A

New York, January 19th 1881


Surgeon George A. Otis, U.S. Army.

Army Medical Museum

Washington D.C.




I have the honor to inform you, in reply to your letter of the 18th inst., that the 40 gallons of Benzine invoiced to you December 29th 1880, were shipped by steamer which sailed from this Port for Georgetown January 1st. The Quartermaster informs me that he was compelled to ship the benzene by water, as the Rail Road company declined to transport it.


Very respectfully

Your ob’t servant

F. O’Donnaghue

Captain + Med Storekeeper U.S. Army.

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